Sports Massage

Rest, Refresh and Restore.

Sports massage is a form of manual therapy that aids in reducing stress and tension in the muscles. It encourages relaxation while enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of the muscles. Both athletes and non-athletes can benefit from sports massage because it can lower stress and enhance physical performance, along with many other benefits listed below. This kind of massage more often concentrates on a particular area or injury and can be a great addition to your pre- or post-workout routine.

What are the benefits of a Sports Massage?

Regular sports massages can help your body stay healthy and prevent injuries. The many benefits of sports massage can include:

  • Increased flexibility

    Muscle rigidity can result from overtraining. Sports massage can help to relax tense muscles and increase flexibility. Soft Tissue Release (STR), Myofascial Release (MFR), and Muscle Energy Technique (MET) will greatly increase flexibility by lengthening the muscles. Muscles can be stretched and lengthened because they have some plasticity and elasticity. This also allows your joints to move more freely. As a result of increased movement range and efficiency, injury risk is reduced.

  • Improved recovery rate

    Sports massage aids recovery by increasing blood circulation. Increased blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients reach the muscle tissue. This helps to repair muscles and tissues that have been damaged by exercise. It directs the formation of new tissue, resulting in a quality repair and the reduction of any undesirable scar tissue. This leads to faster recovery and a quicker return to effective training.

  • Increased supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles

    When you exercise, your body demands more oxygen and nutrients. The deep and rapid massage stroke used during a sports massage can help improve blood circulation. This in turn improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, resulting in healthy muscles.

  • Aids in the elimination of the by-products of exercise

    Lactic acid and carbonic acid accumulate in muscle tissue after you begin exercising. These acids are produced as a result of muscle contractions. This is a normal occurrence and is referred to as a metabolic process. Muscles generate energy from glycogen stores, and lactic and carbonic acids are byproducts of this metabolic process. Excessive accumulation of these acid wastes can irritate the muscles, causing them to fatigue and weaken more easily, increasing the likelihood of injury. Sports massage improves circulation, which aids in waste elimination.

  • Reduced pain

    Sports Massage and massage in general aids in the release of chemicals called ‘endorphins’. Endorphins are a magic chemical that can make us feel better due to them being able to positively influence our pain reception.

  • Reduced stress levels and induced sense of relaxation and calm

    Stress can manifest itself in the body both physically and mentally. Physical stress can occur as a result of an injury or overuse, resulting in a buildup of tension and an increase in pain. Physical injury can cause mental stress due to feelings caused by restricted movement, pain, or injury. The hormone cortisol is released in response to mental or stress. Cortisol is produced by the adrenal gland in response to hypothalamic stimulation.

    Cortisol is responsible for the fight or flight response within the body. When the body releases too much cortisol in response to things like pain, stress levels rise and the immune system can be suppressed. A massage aims to increase relaxation by replacing the stress hormone cortisol in the blood flow with the feel-good hormones dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins.

Who can have a Sports Massage?

In short.. EVERYONE!

It doesn't matter if you are a seasoned competitor looking to achieve your personal best and improve your performance, a newbie who just wants to relax his or her aching muscles, a office worker with poor posture, or someone who has returned to sports after an injury and is eager to get back into it, a sports massage can benefit everyone and anyone.

Book your Sports Massage treatment today.


  • Sports massage is a type of manual therapy that helps the muscles become less tense and tense. It promotes relaxation while enhancing the muscles' flexibility and effectiveness. Sports massage has numerous advantages that are beneficial to both athletes and non-athletes, including improving physical performance and reducing stress. This type of massage, which frequently focuses on a specific area or injury, can be a wonderful addition to your pre- or post-workout routine.

  • Sports massages on a regular basis can keep your body healthy and help you avoid injuries. Increased flexibility, faster recovery times, increased oxygen and nutrient delivery to the muscles, assistance in the removal of waste products from exercise, pain relief, lowered stress levels, and an improved mood are just a few of the numerous advantages of sports massage.

  • Sports massage can be a great addition to your pre- or post-workout routine because it frequently focuses on a specific area or injury. It is suggested that people who want a relaxing massage with firmer pressure get a deep tissue massage. Usually, a full-body massage is provided. In order to target the deeper muscles and fascia of the body, firm pressure and slow massage strokes are used.

  • A sports massage can help everyone and anyone, whether you are an experienced competitor looking to improve your performance or achieve your personal best, a novice who just wants to relax their aching muscles, an office worker with bad posture, or someone who has returned to sports after an injury and is eager to get back into it.

  • A massage can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes. Typically sports massage lasts around 60 minutes.

  • It is typically advised to wear loose-fitting clothing for a sports massage. Most of the time, therapists are happy to work within your comfort zone. For the best results, undressing down to your underwear on your top half allows the massage therapist can work without being impeded by your clothing. In general, it's best to wear a pair of loose-fitting shorts if your lower body needs to be treated. The full leg and hips are harder to reach when wearing tight clothing.

  • You can do the following things to get ready for your sports massage: Maintain hydration and take a shower. Dress comfortably and loosely. Be aware of your goals and aims for the massage.

  • A sports massage is a great addition to your pre- or post-workout routine and if you're looking to treat a specific injury. Deep tissue massage on the other hand is an effective treatment for easing tension and pain in general.