Deep Tissue Massage

For ultimate relaxation

People who desire a soothing massage with harder pressure are advised to get a deep tissue massage. Typically, it is a full-body massage. Firm pressure and slow massage strokes are utilised to focus on the deeper muscles and fascia of the body. Fascia is a type of connective tissue that wraps around individual muscles and muscle groups.

What are the benefits of a Deep Tissue Massage?

During this therapy, your muscles and connective tissues are relieved of tension and tightness. Deep tissue massages can enhance your physical and mental health and has numerous advantages, which can include:

  • Pain reduction

    Deep tissue massage can help with the release of chemicals known as 'endorphins.'Endorphins are a magical hormone that can make us feel better by positively influencing our pain perception.

  • Relaxation

    Massage has been shown to have calming effects on the body, and deep tissue massage is no exception. This is because after your massage, dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins are released, which may cause you to feel blissfully relaxed.

  • Aids in a more restful sleep

    By releasing serotonin, which increases the body's sleep cycle, and relieving pain levels, deep tissue massage can improve your ability to sleep and aid in a more restful sleep. 

  • Increase range of motion

    Deep tissue massage can improve the range of movement in tight muscles. Firm pressure is delivered to areas of tight muscles and trigger points during a deep tissue massage, causing them to relax. This treatment can help to alleviate discomfort and restore movement.

Who can have a Deep Tissue Massage?

Nearly everyone can benefit from deep tissue massage.

People who drive a lot, use computers a lot, are very active, and people who play sports are among the many people whose jobs can cause intense physical discomfort. Anyone can pick up bad posture habits and therefore could benefit from a deep tissue massage. However, it is not always suitable for everybody. Deep tissue massage should be avoided if you have: 

  • Recently had surgery

  • Had recent chemotherapy or radiotherapy

  • Recent bone fracture

  • Active cancer

  • Abdominal hernias

  • Open wounds

  • Inflamed or infected skin

  • Rashes

If you have any questions regarding this please don't hesitate to contact one of the team. 

If you are pregnant please check out our pregnancy massage page for more information on a massage treatment that is suitable for mothers and mothers to be.

Book your Deep Tissue Massage treatment today.


  • It is suggested that people who want a relaxing massage with firmer pressure get a deep tissue massage. Usually, a full-body massage is provided. In order to target the deeper muscles and fascia of the body, firm pressure and slow massage strokes are used. Connective tissue called fascia surrounds particular muscles and muscle groups.

  • It's common for this kind of massage therapy to cause discomfort. Most patients describe it as a "good pain" that feels good and is only mildly uncomfortable. It is important to communicate with your therapist if you experience a lot of pain during the massage so they can reduce the pressure. It's crucial that there isn't too much pressure applied during the treatment so that you are able to relax during the treatment.

  • People whose jobs can cause severe physical discomfort include those who drive a lot, spend a lot of time on computers, are very active, and those who play sports. Anyone can develop bad posture habits, so a deep tissue massage could be helpful.

  • A massage such as a Swedish massage is a lighter massage. On the other hand a deep tissue massage is recommended for people who desire a soothing massage with a firmer pressure.

  • Deep tissue massage should be avoided if you have:

    • Recently had surgery

    • Had recent chemotherapy or radiotherapy

    • Recent bone fracture

    • Active cancer

    • Abdominal hernias

    • Open wounds

    • Inflamed or infected skin

    • Rashes

  • Item description
  • It is typically advised to wear loose-fitting clothing for a massage. Most of the time, therapists are happy to work within your comfort zone. For the best results, undressing down to your underwear allows the massage therapist to work without being impeded by your clothing.

  • Your muscles and connective tissues are released from tension and tightness during a deep tissue massage. Deep tissue massages have many benefits that can improve your physical and mental health, such as pain relief, relaxation, aiding in a more restful sleep, and increased range of motion.

  • A massage can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes. Typically a deep tissue massage can last around 60 minutes.