Medical Disclaimer

While I am a qualified osteopathic practitioner (M.Ost) and certified clinical Pilates instructor, I cannot guarantee that the advice provided on this website and in online classes is relevant to all individuals.

You should not use the information on this website or in our YouTube videos instead of seeking professional medical advice. For this reason, it is important to consult a qualified medical practitioner before taking any online classes or following advice from this website.

It is important that you never disregard, delay, or ignore medical advice from your healthcare provider due to something you may have read on this website. If you use the information or online courses offered on this website, you are solely responsible for any associated risks.

osteoBeth and any other party involved in producing or maintaining content on the site are not responsible for any direct, incidental, or consequential injuries caused by accessing or using the site.

On this website, you will find information obtained through research and is referenced throughout.